The Harvest Young Adults (THYA)
THYA is a young adult group that helps connect Young Adults between the ages of 18 and 29 with God, the Church, and a peer community that will further support and nurture their faith. THYA currently meets weekly on Saturdays and once a month for outside events. THYA provides events to help form and sustain friendships and opportunities to learn about Jesus and grow in our relationship with Him, as well as, those at within our community. To learn more about this month's events and other Christian events happening in the Denver area see the monthly schedule below. Join us every Saturday at The Harvest from 12:00pm - 12:45pm in Room 4 for our Saturday study! If you would like to learn more about an event or have any questions text the Director of Life Coordinator and THYA Head Shaina Mclellan at 720.612.8449 for more information.
Saturday Group
Instructor: Pastor Joshua Craig
This quarter we will be focusing on becoming Godly men and women– viewing masculinity and feminity through the lens of God’s word! Men will be joining Pastor Joshua Craig as they journey into the Five Marks of a Man. Women will be joining Megan Cameron as they journey in the 21st Century Proverbs 31 woman. Join us weekly on saturdays from 12:00 - 12:45pm as we come together to learn, fellowship, and celebrate how our lives are changing as we follow Christ, discover His purpose for us, and express our passion for God’s love and the restoration and freedom found through Jesus and His ways.
December Monthly Schedule
If you would like to learn more about an event or have any questions text Shaina Mclellan at 720.612.8449 for more information.
December 28th: Young Adult Hanukkah Party
On Saturday night, December 28th, THYA (ages 18-29) are invited to the THYA Hanukkah Party! THYA (The Harvest Young Adults) will be having a Hanukkah party on December 28th at 6pm for ages 18-29. There will be a $5 gift exchange, non-traditional Hanukkah themed games, and good food. Please bring latkes to share and a wrapped gift. Please RSVP to Shaina McLellan by December 21st.
Future Events
THYA Hanukkah Party - December 28th