Called to be Holy

Holiness is the concept of being set apart in a way that is markedly distinct. Holiness relates to believer's lifestyle in both our physical realm as well as the spiritual realm. We are to be different than the people of this world because our Father in heaven has called us to be like Him and He is holy! The big question is, what does it mean to be holy? What would it look like? How do we become holy? Join us as we begin our journey of discovering the beauty and wonder of holiness.

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Encountering Jesus

In this sermon, we will look at Biblical encounters with Jesus from Peter, Nathanael, and the woman at the well. These historical encounters with Jesus teach us much about our own. Join as we learn to encounter Jesus.

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A Community's Vision Part 3

A community’s mission clarifies why it exists, while a vision casts where it wants to go. Our vision is (by the grace of God) to birth and establish Messianic congregations where Jewish and Gentile believers can unite, worship, fellowship, grow, and share our mission within the world we live. Part 3 of this sermon will continue to look at five core values that make up a healthy church.

Weekly Service - Audio

A Community's Vision Part 2

A community’s mission clarifies why it exists, while a vision casts where it wants to go. Our vision is (by the grace of God) to birth and establish Messianic congregations where Jewish and Gentile believers can unite, worship, fellowship, grow, and share our mission within the world we live. Part 2 of this sermon will look at five core values that make up a healthy church.

Weekly Service - Audio

A Community's Vision Part 1

A community’s mission clarifies why it exists, while a vision casts where it wants to go. Our vision is (by the grace of God) to birth and establish Messianic congregations where Jewish and Gentile believers can unite, worship, fellowship, grow, and share our mission within the world we live. Part 1 of this sermon will look at what defines a church/congregation.

Weekly Service - Audio

A Community's Mission

A mission defines and shapes who we are today. It determines our values, beliefs, purpose, and work. A congregation without a mission is like a ship without a rudder. It floats but never goes anywhere, cannot avert danger, nor can it bring us to a desired destination. In this teaching we will explain the mission of the Harvest. Understanding and fulfilling your congregation’s mission will result in you and your congregation doing your part to advance the Kingdom of Messiah on earth as it is in heaven. This brings true meaning and satisfaction into our lives! Thank you for joining us.

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Hanukkah: the Festival of Lights

By the first century, the name of the Festival of Hanukkah gave way to another name, the Festival of Lights. It is interesting to note that the main symbol for Hanukkah is the 9 branched Hanukkiah. It is most likely that the lights of the Hanukkiah gave rise to the new name, the Festival of Lights. In this teaching we will explore the mystery of Jesus’ connection to the Festival of Lights and why it should matter to you.

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Hanukkah: the Resistance Begins

We left off last week studying Daniel's prophecy of the little horn of Greece (Antiochus Epiphanes). This week we will jump into the Hanukkah story and discuss Antiochus Epiphanes implementing his evil agenda to subjugate and enslave the people of God. This is what godless elites do. They are the offspring of the serpent and live to oppress and terrorize the people of God. Mattathias Maccabee and his followers represent the faithful few; a remnant that resists evil powers and agendas. These courageous patriots, with the help of God, crush and overthrow the corrupt, godless, political leaders of their day and then restore and re-dedicate their temple, city, and nation to God. Join as we learn more about the history of the people of God.

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Hanukkah: the Maccabee Story

God warned His people through His prophet Daniel, that a wicked king would arise in the kingdom of Greece and subsequently attack Jerusalem, take control of and defile the temple, and destroy the people of Israel. In the Apostolic Scriptures, this king is an anti-Christ. In fact, he will go down in history as the greatest anti-Christ of the Greek Empire. He is a forerunner to the coming anti-Christ of the Roman Empire. These and other anti-Christs are types and shadows of the ones that are here today and in our future. The story of the Hanukkah gives us the contexts, portraits, and principles to persevere and overcome our anti-Christs, and their agendas, oppression, and persecutions. Join us as we explore the mysteries of Daniel, His visions of Hanukkah, and what they meant to Jesus and His followers. Happy Hanukkah!

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Hanukkah: a Story of Perseverance

We are living in an era that violently rages against Israel, the Jewish people, and Christians. Our way of life is under attack and the hate filled terror we are witnessing in Israel is spreading around the world. This is not new. It has played out over and over again throughout history. Hanukkah is one of those stories of the terror that came to us under the Greek empire. The lessons this story contains are the very truths that will give us the strength to persevere, and to defend our way of life, our people and our nations today. Fear not, God is with us! Happy Hanukkah!

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Overcoming Evil

Evil is all around us and it has Israel, the Jewish people, and followers of Jesus in its cross hairs. This started in the Garden of Eden and has been accelerating ever since. But God is our champion! He has sent His Son to deliver us! He has equipped us and will use us to rescue others from the attack of the enemy. The word of the Lord to you is: fear not, for I am with you!

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Israel Shall Live

Many nations are calling for the destruction and elimination of Israel. They loudly proclaim their anti-Israel chants and have even resorted to threats, intimidation, and even violence. The problem? The God of Israel has promised to give her not only the land of Israel but all the nations. In and through Jesus, we can all find redemption, peace, and prosperity. It is offered to the Jews first, and then to all the Gentiles. If we reject this and buy into the lies of Satan, we will find ourselves consumed with envy and hatred towards those who love God and His people Israel. Join us as we explore the mysteries of this war between good and evil.

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Jesus - Israel’s Gift to the World

The nations, inflamed by the evil one, are forever trying to destroy Israel, the Jewish people, and those who follow her Messiah, Jesus. This recent attack is the most shocking the world has ever seen and it is not over, it is just beginning. The nations right now are lining up either for or against her. People everywhere are doing the same thing. Today, we will continue to look into this war against God’s people and why you, as followers of Jesus, are also in the cross hairs. More importantly, we will see how we are to position ourselves and live within this existential evil threat against all that is decent and good.

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The Lord is With Us

The nations are beginning to gather around Israel again. People everywhere are lashing out at her and the Jewish people. A strong minority of people are standing with her. Amid this coming storm, the Lord promises to be with us. We can worry and wring our hands or we can catch the providence of God and make our way through the storm. Our decision? We will trust the Lord and carry on His mission and vision.

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Why the Nations Hate Israel

What is behind the hatred towards Israel? Why do the nations want to destroy her? Numerous kings and empires have tried to remove her from her land and even from existence throughout history. This latest attack against Israel is unveiling this monstrous and vile hatred once again. Today we will continue to look into the evil behind this hatred of Israel and what we can do about it.

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Behind the War on Israel

On October 7th 2023, during the joy filled holy day of Shemini Atzeret, which occurred this year on the weekly Shabbat, a truly evil and demonized terror group invaded Israel and committed crimes that rival the unspeakable Holocaust perpetrated by Hitler and his demonized followers. This attack is not only directed at Israel and ultimately Jerusalem, but every follower of Jesus. We must unite, pray, and support each other! Jews and Christians everywhere must unite, pray, and support one another! We are in this together and the God of Israel will deliver us and destroy these evil workers of violence and bloodshed! Join us as we explore what this horror is all about and how we can help stamp it out.

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The Day of the Shofar Part 2

Rosh Hashanah, also known as Yom Teruah, was initially fulfilled the day that Jesus became King of kings and Lord of lords! It's final fulfillment will come about when King Jesus returns. Join us explore the fundamental themes of this Holy Day and it's fulfillment in Jesus!

Weekly Service - Audio

The Day of the Shofar

Rosh Hashanah, also known as Yom Teruah, was initially fulfilled the day that Jesus became King of kings and Lord of lords! It's final fulfillment will come about when King Jesus returns. Join us explore the fundamental themes of this Holy Day and it's fulfillment in Jesus!

Weekly Service - Audio

Israel: Your Group Identity Part 2

At Babel, after three great rebellions, God separates himself from the nations and scatters them in all directions. He then takes one man and one woman and raises up a new nation; His Nation. Through His people Israel, He will send His Son and Messiah to offer grace, blessing, and salvation to all the nations. Through this nation and it’s Messiah, He will reclaim all the nations and offer to all peoples His redemption. Everyone who responds, will be saved, and blessed. They will be brought into the Israel of God, not replacing her, but joining her as God’s holy people. Join us as we rediscover and embrace the mystery of Israel, God’s chosen people and how you can be part of her!

Weekly Service - Audio

Israel: Your Group Identity

At Babel, after three great rebellions, God separates himself from the nations and scatters them in all directions. He then takes one man and one woman and raises up a new nation; His Nation. Through His people Israel, He will send His Son and Messiah to offer grace, blessing, and salvation to all the nations. Through this nation and it’s Messiah, He will reclaim all the nations and offer to all peoples His redemption. Everyone who responds, will be saved, and blessed. They will be brought into the Israel of God, not replacing her, but joining her as God’s holy people. Join us as we rediscover and embrace the mystery of Israel, God’s chosen people and how you can be part of her!

Weekly Service - Audio