Ephesians 6: Bringing the Kingdom to Others

In the second and greater exodus we learn that we must ready ourselves for conflict. Today’s regimes and gods will not let us go without a battle! We must learn when and how to fight. Freedom is the promise of God to all who believe in Him. Join us as we take a closer look at how to take a stand against the growing evil all around us through the lens of Ephesians 6. In this sermon, we will examine what it means to stand in the readiness of the Gospel and and how to bring this powerful and wonderful kingdom to others!

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Ephesians 6: The Breastplate of Righteousness

In the second and greater exodus we learn that we must ready ourselves for conflict. Today’s regimes and gods will not let us go without a battle! We must learn when and how to fight. Freedom is the promise of God to all who believe in Him. Join us as we take a closer look at how to take a stand against the growing evil all around us through the lens of Ephesians 6. In this sermon, we will examine the the Breastplate of Righteousness and how it can be used to fight the evil of the enemy.

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Ephesians 6: The Belt of Truth

In the second and greater exodus we learn that we must ready ourselves for conflict. Today’s regimes and gods will not let us go without a battle! We must learn when and how to fight. Freedom is the promise of God to all who believe in Him. Join us as we take a closer look at how to take a stand against the growing evil all around us through the lens of Ephesians 6. In this sermon, we will examine the belt of truth and how it can be used to fight the lies of the enemy.

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Ephesians 6: Standing Against Evil

In the second and greater exodus we learn that we must ready ourselves for conflict. Today’s regimes and gods will not let us go without a battle! We must learn when and how to fight. Freedom is the promise of God to all who believe in Him. Join us as we take a closer look at how to take a stand against the growing Evil all around us through the lens of Ephesians 6.

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Ancient Hebrew Scroll Project Presentation

Join us in a presentation of the Ancient Hebrew Scroll Project who possess a complete TANAKH scroll set. These Ancient Hebrew Scrolls make up the only complete set of the TANAKH (Hebrew Scriptures, or what some refer to as the Old Testament) in the world that you can see. Sixteen scrolls make up an entire TANAKH; however, this traveling Ancient Hebrew Scroll display contains all 16 scrolls plus duplicates.

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Evil Has a Name

The serpent of old, the fallen one, is the originator evil. He has various descriptors. Most common are, the Serpent, The Devil, and Satan. He has been here since our beginning. He has taken control of our world through our sin and rebellion against God. But God has sent His Son as a liberator and deliverer. He has come to set us free from this evil tyranny and to destroy his works. It is a brutal war over our souls between the one who loves us and the one who hates us. This is our exodus. An exodus from the rule and reign of the evil one.

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First Fruits and the Resurrection of Jesus

The day following the Sabbath of Passover (Sunday) marks the festival called First Fruits. It is a celebration of the early spring harvest of barley symbolizing life from death (the dead of winter). The types and shadows of this festival find their fulfillment in Yeshua’s resurrection from the dead. Join us as we celebrate First Fruits in the Holy Week of Passover and learn more about the connection between First Fruits and the Resurrection!

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How We Keep the Passover Today

Weekly Service

Without the temple, the priesthood, and a kosher lamb, it is still possible to keep Passover in the manner it was commanded? But are we not the temple? Are we not a priesthood? Do we not have a kosher Passover lamb? The answer is yes! Therefore, we keep a Passover; a new Messianic Passover that is the fullness of everything that the old Passover prefigured and foretold! Join us as delve deeper into the new Messianic Passover!

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Introduction to Passover

Weekly Service

Passover is an eight day spring celebration that commemorates the Most-High God graciously delivering an enslaved and oppressed people out of Egypt and making them His very own. The sages foretold that this ancient event was a type and shadow of a greater Passover that would come with the Messiah. The Passover that the Messiah would inaugurate would be a spiritual one freeing us from the dark and cruel kingdom of sin and shame. This new Passover would open the doors to the compassionate kingdom of light and liberty. Well, Messiah came! His name is Yeshua (Jesus). Join us in this series as we look at the first great Passover as well as the second and greater one in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah!

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Beatitudes: the Merciful, the Pure, the Peacemakers, and the Persecuted

Weekly Service

The eight beatitudes are essential keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and its associated blessings. If you are hungry for meaning, purpose, peace, and joy, these are the corridors that lead to them. Today we will finish our series with the final four beatitudes.

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Beatitudes: Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

Weekly Service

The eight beatitudes are essential keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and its associated blessings. If you are hungry for meaning, purpose, peace, and joy, these are the corridors that lead to them. Today we will look at hungering and thirsting for righteousness; the fourth in the list of eight beatitudes.

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Beatitudes: The Meek

Weekly Service

The eight beatitudes are essential keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and its associated blessings. If you are hungry for meaning, purpose, peace, and joy, these are the corridors that lead to them. Today we will look at meekness; the third in the list.

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Beatitudes: Those Who Grieve

Weekly Service

The eight beatitudes are essential keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and its associated blessings. If you are hungry for meaning, purpose, peace, and joy, these are the corridors that lead to them. Join us as we look at those who grieve.

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Beatitudes: The Poor in Spirit

Weekly Service

The eight beatitudes are essential keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and its associated blessings. If you are hungry for meaning, purpose, peace, and joy, these are the corridors that lead to them. Join us as we look at the first of eight – the poor in spirit.

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The Gifts of the Spirit: Empowered by Love

Weekly Service

God is invested in who we are and in our success in life. He not only is the Creator, but also the sustainer of everything. He gifts each of us with what we need to be who He has called us to be. These gifts are an expression of His love and care for us. Discovering and operating in these gifts are a fundamental part of our relationship and journey with Him in this wonderful life He has given us. Please join us as we explore many of the gifts that He has and is offering us. In this sermon, we will take a look at the tie between love and the gifts effectiveness. If they are not birthed, nurtured, and exercised in love, they will have little or no impact. If they are saturated in and arise out of love, their impact will be lifegiving and eternal!

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The Gifts of the Spirit: Tongues and Interpretation

Weekly Service

God is invested in who we are and in our success in life. He not only is the Creator, but also the sustainer of everything. He gifts each of us with what we need to be who He has called us to be. These gifts are an expression of His love and care for us. Discovering and operating in these gifts are a fundamental part of our relationship and journey with Him in this wonderful life He has given us. Please join us as we explore many of the gifts that He has and is offering us. In this sermon, we will take a look at the gifts of Tongues and Interpretation.

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The Gifts of the Spirit: Discernment

Weekly Service

God is invested in who we are and in our success in life. He not only is the Creator, but also the sustainer of everything. He gifts each of us with what we need to be who He has called us to be. These gifts are an expression of His love and care for us. Discovering and operating in these gifts are a fundamental part of our relationship and journey with Him in this wonderful life He has given us. Please join us as we explore many of the gifts that He has and is offering us. In this sermon, we will take a look at the gift of Discernment.

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The Gifts of the Spirit: Prophecy

Weekly Service

God is invested in who we are and in our success in life. He not only is the Creator, but also the sustainer of everything. He gifts each of us with what we need to be who He has called us to be. These gifts are an expression of His love and care for us. Discovering and operating in these gifts are a fundamental part of our relationship and journey with Him in this wonderful life He has given us. Please join us as we explore many of the gifts that He has and is offering us. In this sermon, we will take a look at the gift of Prophecy.

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The Gifts of the Spirit: Healing and Miracles

Weekly Service

God is invested in who we are and in our success in life. He not only is the Creator, but also the sustainer of everything. He gifts each of us with what we need to be who He has called us to be. These gifts are an expression of His love and care for us. Discovering and operating in these gifts are a fundamental part of our relationship and journey with Him in this wonderful life He has given us. Please join us as we explore many of the gifts that He has and is offering us. In this sermon, we will take a look at the gifts of Healing and Miracles.

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The Gifts of the Spirit: Wisdom and Faith

Weekly Service

God is invested in who we are and in our success in life. He not only is the Creator, but also the sustainer of everything. He gifts each of us with what we need to be who He has called us to be. These gifts are an expression of His love and care for us. Discovering and operating in these gifts are a fundamental part of our relationship and journey with Him in this wonderful life He has given us. Please join us as we explore many of the gifts that He has and is offering us. In this sermon, we will take a look at the gifts of Wisdom and Faith.

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