The Gifts of the Spirit: Knowledge

Weekly Service

God is invested in who we are and in our success in life. He not only is the Creator, but also the sustainer of everything. He gifts each of us with what we need to be who He has called us to be. These gifts are an expression of His love and care for us. Discovering and operating in these gifts are a fundamental part of our relationship and journey with Him in this wonderful life He has given us. Please join us as we explore many of the gifts that He has and is offering us.

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Hanukkah: A Faith that Overcomes the World

Weekly Service

The Scriptures reveal that the last days will be characterized by an assault on truth. Reality will be turned upside down as it is replaced by confusion and chaos. This will give way to tyranny, misery, and widespread death. The Story of Hanukkah contains many truths we can use to prepare for the last days! It is the story of loyalty, faithfulness, and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. In the fourth part of this series, we will look at what the Festival Hanukkah (Dedication) teaches us about the anti-Christ and how to overcome the anti-Christ.

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Hanukkah: More than Conquerors!

Weekly Service

The Scriptures reveal that the last days will be characterized by an assault on truth. Reality will be turned upside down as it is replaced by confusion and chaos. This will give way to tyranny, misery, and widespread death. The Story of Hanukkah contains many truths we can use to prepare for the last days! It is the story of loyalty, faithfulness, and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. In the third part of this series, we will look at what the Festival Hanukkah (Dedication) teaches us dedication! The spirit of this dark world hates Jesus and wants to breech our devotion to Him and our allegiance to God’s ways. But in Messiah, we are more than overcomers. Like Judah (the Hammer) Maccabee, we will not give up nor give in. By the Spirit of God, we will persevere and gain the victory!

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Hanukkah: Truth Liberates

Weekly Service

The Scriptures reveal that the last days will be characterized by an assault on truth. Reality will be turned upside down as it is replaced by confusion and chaos. This will give way to tyranny, misery, and widespread death. The Story of Hanukkah contains many truths we can use to prepare for the last days! It is the story of loyalty, faithfulness, and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. In the second part of this series, we will discover an ancient truth of how truth overcomes lies! This principle is the very hope, inspiration, and motivation we need to stand against the lawless tyranny that is engulfing our world and assaulting our families and churches. Let’s rise up, expose the lies, and free ourselves and nation from the godless and lawless elites who seek to oppress and enslave us.

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Hanukkah: The Power of Truth

Weekly Service

The Scriptures reveal that the last days will be characterized by an assault on truth. Reality will be turned upside down as it is replaced by confusion and chaos. This will give way to tyranny, misery, and widespread death. The Story of Hanukkah contains many truths we can use to prepare for the last days! It is the story of loyalty, faithfulness, and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. In this series we will discover an ancient truth of how the few can overthrow the many. This truth is the very hope, inspiration, and motivation we need to stand against the lawless tyranny that is engulfing our world and assaulting our families and churches!

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Special Guest Speaker - Rabbi Kokeb Gedamu

Weekly Service

Join us as we hear a special message from Rabbi Kokeb Gedamu of House of Israel International Ministries. We hope you are encouraged by this message!

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Spiritual Warfare: Fallen Angels

Weekly Service

We are in part 4 in a series on spiritual warfare. Our war is with powerful ancient beings in the realm of darkness. These heavenly beings rebelled against God and His ways and are now seducing humanity to also rebel against God and His ways. Understanding this rebellion and learning how to resist it is what we call spiritual warfare. Join us as take a deeper look into Ephesians 6, the heavenly and earthly rebellions against God, and why they are destined to be judged, destroyed, and removed.

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Rebellion On Earth as It Was in Heaven

Weekly Service

We are in part 3 in a series on spiritual warfare. Our war is with powerful ancient beings in the realm of darkness. These heavenly beings rebelled against God and His ways and are now seducing humanity to also rebel against God and His ways. Understanding this rebellion and learning how to resist it is what we call spiritual warfare. Join us as take a deeper look into Ephesians 6, the heavenly and earthly rebellions against God, and why they are destined to be judged, destroyed, and removed.

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Learning to Rule and Reign in The Spiritual Realm!

Weekly Service

Our nation is immersed in the spiritual realm as evidenced in Hollywood and other media forms within the cultural pillar of Arts and Entertainment. God has given us the capacity to sense intuitively this spiritual realm that interfaces with our natural realm. Biblically, we know this realm exists and has interfaced with us since the garden of Eden. Today we will pick up where we left off last week in our teaching on Halloween and the spiritual realm. It is part of a wider look into the realm of darkness all around us.

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Halloween and the Spiritual Realm

Weekly Service

Halloween is the second most popular holiday in the US second only to Christmas. Its draw is related to the realm of the dead. It is the time of the year that pagans and Christians remember and celebrate the dead. In some groups, the adherents engage and communicate with departed spirits and with deities that exist in the spiritual realm. Americans are immersed in the fascination with the unseen realm. The dark side of the spiritual realm is most popular in our culture as evidenced in Halloween’s love affair with ghosts, goblins, demons, and death. Join us as we look behind the veil at this very real realm of dark powers and wicked spirits.

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Special Guest Speaker - Pastor Peder Olsen

Weekly Service

Join us as we hear a special message from Pastor Peder Olsen of The Englewood Lighthouse Messianic Congregation. Pastor Peder will share a message of encouragement on the peace of God in the midst of trouble times. We hope you are encouraged by this message!

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Tabernacles and the Birth of Jesus

Weekly Service

Perhaps the most joyous holy week given to us from God is Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles. The reason for this joy becomes obvious when one considers the theological connections between the holy day of Tabernacles and the prophesied birth of Messiah. In His incarnation, God came to tabernacle with us! This is the initial fulfillment of the promise of Tabernacles that God would dwell in our midst! It is during this Holy week that we celebrate the birth of Messiah as the initial fulfillment of the festival known as Sukkot/Tabernacles. Thank you for joining us in this most joyous memorial of the birth of Jesus, Immanuel – God with us, in a human tabernacle of flesh and blood!

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Yom Kippur: Past and Future

Weekly Service

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is a day full of revelation related to why and how God forgives, cleanses, and restores people to their former glory. This ancient holy day has meaning and purpose for us today, seeing that we all struggle with sin and shame. We too need forgiveness and cleansing. Yom Kippur also marshals significance by preparing us for the great and final Atonement that that transitions us from our present age into the eternal age to come. Join us to learn more about this ancient celebration!

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The Seven Trumpets Part 2

Weekly Service

The Festival of Trumpets is one of the eight annual holy days of God. It finds it fulfillment in the return of Jesus and in the great white throne judgment of God when He judges the living and the dead. Today we will take a brief look at the seven trumpets of God in the book of Revelation and how they reveal what is coming and how we can prepare for it. Be sure to join us in our upcoming celebration of Yom Teruah, the day of blowing trumpets!

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The Seven Trumpets

Weekly Service

The Festival of Trumpets is one of the eight annual holy days of God. It finds it fulfillment in the return of Jesus and in the great white throne judgment of God when He judges the living and the dead. Today we will take a brief look at the seven trumpets of God in the book of Revelation and how they reveal what is coming and how we can prepare for it. Be sure to join us in our upcoming celebration of Yom Teruah, the day of blowing trumpets!

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Our Coming Vindication

Weekly Service

We live in a beautiful but volatile world. It is a world filled with righteousness and wickedness. The war between good and evil began in the very beginning when we chose to rebel against the Creator. It will continue until the return of Messiah when He comes to slay the Anti-Christ, his worldwide beast system, and miracle working false prophet. In the Feast of Trumpets, Messiah's great return is revealed. As we remember and we observe the upcoming Fall Holydays, we are informed and ready for the coming events that will shake our world. We are prepped and spared from the coming plagues, catastrophes, chaos, and misery. God has promised to preserve us and keep us in and through his coming wrath filled judgements. Join us as we look at the end times through the lens of the Fall Holydays.

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The Biblical Holydays

Weekly Service

Every spiritual person celebrates holy days. We were made with a felt need for times of celebration. For the follower of Jesus, we have our times already set and spelled out for us. They are called “appointed times” in the Bible. These are special sacred times that God promises to meet with us in a unique way. They are filled with blessings, purpose and meaning. They also serve as types and shadows of Jesus and all He will accomplish. In keeping them, we remain focused and centered in Jesus. This is by far an essential reason why we keep them. If you want to be focused on and centered in Jesus, join us as we remember and keep the biblical holydays!

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Special Guest Speaker Rabbi Emmanuel Tarohocker

Weekly Service

Join us as we hear a special message from Rabbi Emmanuel Tarohocker of Beth Machaseh Messianic Congregation. Rabbi Emmanuel will share his testimony on how he came to faith and embraced the Torah as a way of life. We hope you are encouraged by the story of this man’s journey into the Jewish roots of his faith!

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Women's Role In Ministry

Weekly Service

So much ink has been spilled over what women are and aren't allowed to do in ministry. Why? Because of two Pauline passages. The passages are often taken out of context and used to keep women silent and thus irrelevant in an array of church ministries. This is problematic because Paul was viewed as a liberator of women and women’s rights in ministry while he was alive. In this teaching we will look a little closer at the two controversial passages in Pauline literature that are most cited in arguing that women need to be silent in church. Join us as we midrash and discuss this complicated topic together!

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Elders and the Fivefold Offices

Weekly Service

God has given to the Church a variety of ministers, ministries, and offices to guide, serve, and protect her. Each of these have similar and overlapping features as well as distinctions. In this teaching we will give an orientation to fivefold ministers in contradistinction to Elders as well as the roles men and women can play in these. Join us as we learn more about the ministry of the Church!

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