Jesus and the Passover Connection
/Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide
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Jesus kept and observed the Passover. Ultimately, He fulfilled it in His death on the cross. That fulfillment transformed this Holyday in such a way that it would never be the same. Since that time, more and more people are referring to it as the second and greater Passover. As followers of Jesus, we too celebrate the biblical holydays of our Father in Heaven. Our annual celebration of Passover is full of joy and thanksgiving precisely because Jesus, the Lamb of God, died for us at Passover nearly 2000 years ago. As a result, we are forgiven and reconciled to God! This is why we keep and observe the Passover. It is in honor of Jesus, the Lamb of God! Today, we will explore Jesus, His connection to Passover, and what that means for our world.