How Adam and Eve Got It Wrong

Weekly Service - Sermon Study Guide

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Today, in the USA, we are more confused than ever before about gender and role assignments in marriage. There are groups that have and continue to re-define marriage, gender, and family in order to dismantle them. These ideas have permeated every area of society and are now being taught to our children at very early ages. They will ultimately defile and destroy our way of life. The answer to this significant issue is to re-orient, re-affirm, and re-establish Biblical truths and norms for marriage, gender, sexuality, and family. These are the building blocks of society and will open the floodgates of blessings for any nation that legislates them. In this teaching we will take a closer look at the role of wives and husbands within the realm of Biblical marriage. Let’s teach our children these truths, and let’s vote for leaders who are committed to legislating in alignment with the laws of nature and nature’s God! In this way we will bring blessing and peace to our families, communities, and nation.

Weekly Service - Video