Jesus and the Law: Part 1

In Jesus’ (paraphrased) words, “I did not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets, but to fulfill it.” The question must be asked, what does it mean to “fulfill”? In this episode we discuss the Jewish background of the word for “fulfill” and explain the historical and literary context of this passage. In the end, we conclude Jesus’ words about the Law of God have been misrepresented and misinterpreted for centuries. Our hope is to shed light on the text and dialogue about the words of our Messiah.

Jonah: The Overlooked Death

The story of Jonah is well known story for a reason. It’s short, satirical, and fantastic! When you think of Jonah being swallowed up by the great fish, are you picturing a lonely man camping in the belly of a whale, waiting to be brought to shore? This is the picture usually painted of Jonah’s time in the belly of the great fish. But, we posit a different interpretation of Jonah’s time in the fish’s belly. Jonah 2 gives us a unique perspective that may differ from the traditional telling of the story of Jonah; however, it is a perspective that gives us a direct link to Jesus.

The Illuminator

In John 1:4-5, the Bible speaks of Jesus being the life and light of mankind. Life and light are terms we use often in believing circles. Their common use can lead to a loss of their rich and deep theological meanings. In biblical times, the terms light and darkness had significant connotations that implied forces of power at work. In this episode, we will discuss how John uses this imagery to develop the theology of Jesus’ role and effect over the dark world we live in.