In The Beginning

“In the beginning,” is a pivotal phrase within the Bible. We often think of Genesis and the creation of the world, but Apostle John also uses this phrase in the opening of the Gospel of John. John reveals to us that in the beginning was the Word (Jn 1:1). Why did John choose the opening lines of Scripture to be the opening lines of his Gospel? How does John’s use of Genesis 1:1 giver further revelation about what Moses originally wrote? Pastors Mark and Justin explore why Apostle John decided to do this and the implications it has on our faith for today.

The Bible Jesus Used

When Jesus came to Earth, He came to an ancient world complete with a culture far different than what we know today. Jesus did not have a physical Bible that He could carry around with Him nor did He have accessibility to the Scripture like we do today. Our experience with Scripture is vastly different than in Jesus’ day. In this episode, we will take an in-depth look at the Bible of Jesus’ day.


Welcome to the Get Scrolled prologue where we discuss the purpose and foundations of the podcast. We will dive into our sponsor’s Messianic identity and share a bit about the hosts, Pastors Mark McLellan and Justin Gardner. Ultimately, we are Jews and Gentiles united in Jesus, the Messiah, who are thrilled to dive deeper into the scrolls of Scripture!