The Arminian Argument: Conditional Vs. Unconditional Salvation

In this second episode of our two part series, Pastors Mark and Justin continue their exploration of a vital theological question: Can a person lose their salvation? In Part 1, they dove into the Calvinist perspective on unconditional salvation, which asserts that once saved, a believer’s salvation is secure and cannot be lost, as it is entirely determined by God’s will. But if salvation is truly unconditional, what role do we, as individuals, play in our spiritual journey? Is faith genuine if it’s determined for us? These thought-provoking questions have led many to embrace the Arminian view of conditional salvation, which posits that salvation can be lost because of the free will God grants to each believer.

 With these two opposing perspectives in mind, it’s crucial for believers to carefully examine both sides and form their own conclusions on this pressing question: Can believers lose their salvation? More personally, Can you lose your salvation? Tune in as Pastors Mark and Justin guide you through the Arminian view of this theological question while encouraging you to reflect deeply on your faith and its implications.