One Nation Under Baal

God deals with nations in similar ways to how He deals with Israel. If a nation chooses evil over good, God will bring judgements and misery. If a nation chooses good and lives by what is true and right, God will bring blessings. America is approaching a crossroads like Israel was in the days of King Ahab. Will we continue to choose evil or will we turn back to the ways of God? Join us as we study the story of Elijah, King Ahab, and the Prophets of Baal and discover timeless truths for every nation.

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Prayer Can Change a Nation

The prayers of God's people change the world. In America, a change is needed and the Church is the catalyst. We may be up against overwhelming corrupt powers with money and authority, but fear not! We have been here many times before in human history. The Lord is with us and He is more powerful than any worldly authority. We must turn to God in faithful prayer. Join us as we look at the power of prayer and how it can bring about change on both a personal level and a national level.

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The Excellence of Love

Love is the greatest commandment in the Torah. Learning to receive God’s love is where it all begins. His love can bring us through any hardship or fiery trial. His love is full of hope and will give us endurance to overcome all our challenges in life. The love of God will hold us, sustain us, and bring to us all that He has for us. It is the antidote for disappointment, rejections, failures, despair and disillusionment. Let’s open our hearts to the love of God and allow it to transform us as we also share it with all those in our lives. Join us this week as we study the love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13.

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The Greatest Commandment Part 3

The Bible is full of commands and instructions from God. Are they all equal in importance? Should they be prioritized? What does Jesus say about this? His answer is beautiful and deeply impactful! If we embrace and apply His answer in our lives then our world, nations, and families will be healed, empowered, and enriched, to say the least. In part 3, we will be exploring loves desire for truth and how it can transform your life.

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The Greatest Commandment Part 2

The Bible is full of commands and instructions from God. Are they all equal in importance? Should they be prioritized? What does Jesus say about this? His answer is beautiful and deeply impactful! If we embrace and apply His answer in our lives then our world, nations, and families will be healed, empowered, and enriched, to say the least. Join us in part 2 of exploring Jesus views and applications of what He considers the highest of the commandments.

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The Greatest Commandment

The Bible is full of commands and instructions from God. Are they all equal in importance? Should they be prioritized? What does Jesus say about this? His answer is beautiful and deeply impactful! If we embrace and apply His answer in our lives then our world, nations, and families will be healed, empowered, and enriched, to say the least. Join us in exploring some of Jesus views and applications of what He considers the highest of the commandments.

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Supernaturally Equipped

We live in a world that interfaces with the spiritual realm. The ancient war between good and evil rages in both the natural and supernatural realms In Jesus, we are gifted and empowered with the Holy Spirit so that we can see clearly and overcome all the evil that seeks to seduce, deceive, and enslave us. In addition, we have been given the mandate to be a light of revelation to those in darkness and to lead into the light of Jesus and His glorious Kingdom. Join us as we take explore how to be lights of revelation to a dark world!

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The Power to Overcome Adversity

We are witnessing a rise of evil that is unparalleled in recent history. Good is demonized as evil and evil is glorified as good. Our nation is hypnotized with the spirit of confusion and delusion. If you dare to respectfully speak the truth, you risk being marginalized, ridiculed, persecuted, and even jailed! The war between the righteous and the wicked is at an all-time high. How will we win this war? Not by might and not by power, but by my Spirit declares the Lord!

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Godly Parenting Part 2

Children belong to the Lord. He gifts them to us as parents and empowers us to raise them, discipline them, and bless them, so that they experience, meaning, purpose, and life abundant! The church exists in part to empower and support parents. We are called to help protect parent’s rights to have and raise their children. As a church we will do this by the grace and wisdom of God who is Father of us all! Today, we will look at how parents can shape and form children's character through Godly discipline.

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Godly Parenting

Children belong to the Lord. He gifts them to us as parents and empowers us to raise them, discipline them, and bless them, so that they experience, meaning, purpose, and life abundant! Our children belong to us, their parents. They do not belong to the church, the community, the schools, the state, or the nation. The church exists in part to empower and support parents. We are called to help protect parent’s rights to have and raise their children. As a church we will do this by the grace and wisdom of God who is Father of us all!

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Celebrating Fatherhood

Biblical fatherhood is under attack and greatly diminished today. It has been undermined, demeaned, and deconstructed by those who want to rid themselves of God’s ways. However, we shall not be moved. We will stand our ground, celebrate, protect, and pass this essential institution of Biblical fatherhood on to the next generation. To all our fathers we say with resounding joy, utmost respect, honor, and with our deepest gratitude, Happy Father’s Day!

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The Power of Unity

We have all hear the saying, "United we stand, divided we fall". It a saying that propels us to fulfill our calling and destiny together. If we as believers are going to rise, do the work of Messiah, and overcome evil, we must rediscover the principle of unity, how it operates, and how to safeguard it. This begins at the local level, in each congregation. Join us as we explore and apply the power of unity!

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God's Design for Community Part 2

We are made to be in relationship with one another. As John Donne so powerfully stated, “No man is an island”! The serpent wants to alienate and isolate us knowing that in separation we will be diminished, deluded, and utterly lost. Jesus came to liberate us from the pain and chaos of alienation from God and each other. He gave us the Holy Spirit to connect us with God and each other. Through this we find we find redemption, community, meaning purpose and fulfillment. Join us as we explore our need for community. In part two of this teaching, we will focus on four building blocks for community.

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God's Design for Community

We are made to be in relationship with one another. As John Donne so powerfully stated, “No man is an island”! The serpent wants to alienate and isolate us knowing that in separation we will be diminished, deluded, and utterly lost. Jesus came to liberate us from the pain and chaos of alienation from God and each other. He gave us the Holy Spirit to connect us with God and each other. Through this we find we find redemption, community, meaning purpose and fulfillment. Join us as we explore our need for community.

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The Gift of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is God’s supernatural gift to everyone who believes in Jesus and makes Him their Lord and Savior. As believers, the Holy Spirit causes us to be born again and empowers us to live life in freedom and glory. It also gives enables us with supernatural gifts in order to carry on the mission and vision of Jesus for this alienated and lost world that we live in. There is nothing more thrilling than this Spirit filled life in Jesus! May we turn from our sins, believe in Jesus, be filled with the Holy Spirit and do the works that He did. This is our heritage and our legacy! Holy Spirit, you are welcome in our lives!

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The Wonder of Motherhood

Motherhood is universally understood by all human beings, in all cultures, in all places, and in every generation from time immemorial. Today we will look a one of the mothers mentioned in the Scriptures. Like all mothers, she is faced with many challenges and yet overcomes them by her faith in God. She is one of many mothers in the Bible who are presented as role models for all woman who become mothers. To all our mothers we say with resounding joy, utmost respect, honor, and with our deepest gratitude, Happy Mother’s Day! You are loved, cherished, and indispensable to our community.

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The Biblical Calendar: Pentecost

Everyone agrees that Pentecost marks the birth of the Church. However, few recognize that it was the first Pentecost at Sinai where its was birthed (acts 7:37-38). In addition to this first Pentecost, the second one ushered in the age of the outpoured Spirit. Thanks to Jesus, we (Jewish and Gentile believers) not only have the Torah written on our hearts, we have the fullness of the Spirit residing in us to empower us to fulfill the law in our lives! What an amazing holy day this is. Jesus , thank you for the Law and the Spirit!

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The Rise of the Passover Lamb

When the prophet John saw Jesus he exclaimed, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" Who would have guessed that the Lamb that would be slain, would not only rise again, but would become King of kings and Lord of lords? The world who mocked Him, tortured Him, and crucified Him, would now answer to Him for what it did. But for those who would repent, humble themselves, and ask Him for forgiveness, to them He would bless, forgive, and redeem. Those whom He saved would be exalted as His children and join Him in ruling and reigning over creation. This is the story and glory of Passover and where it ultimately leads to.

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The Biblical Calendar: Jesus our Passover Lamb

In the month of spring when life emerges everywhere, God ordained that this would be the beginning of the year for His people. It is marked by an eight day celebration known as the week of Passover! It memorializes Jesus as savior, redeemer, and deliverer of Israel as well as all others who embrace Him as their Lord and Savior! This holy week is filled with joy, festivity, fellowship, and rest. Jesus is the reason for the season! It is all about Him, His people, and His redemption. Join us as we explore Jesus as the fulfillment of Passover.

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The Biblical Calendar: Passover

Passover is the first of the annual holy days of our Father in Heaven. It is a week-long memorial to Him as our Savior and Deliverer from slavery in Egypt which is a picture of our slavery to sin and shame. Passover is fulfilled in Jesus! In this memorial, Jesus is revealed, exalted, and glorified among all who keep it. God commands us to observe it because He loves His Son who accomplished our redemption by His own bloody sacrificial death on the cross. As we keep it, we are kept. It centers us and our children in Jesus the Savior of the world. Happy holy week of Passover!

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