The Feasts of ADONAI are dress rehearsals of Messianic Redemption... (click here to read more)
“It is imperative that the average believer comprehend that, according to the pattern laid out by the Torah, Passover is inextricably linked to Pentecost by the counting of the Omer. Therefore, the journey from Passover to Pentecost represents the journey of “being freed by Yeshua” to “being filled with Yeshua!””
“Our LORD Yeshua has literally and prophetically fulfilled the first four of the seven feasts mentioned in Leviticus 23; it is my belief that the Torah teaches that he will, likewise, literally and prophetically fulfill the final three at his soon to be second arrival. As the children of Avraham willingly and faithfully lived out HaShem’s yearly cycle of “mo-eydeem,” the Spirit of the Holy One graciously opened their hearts to understand that, as his treasured possession, they were responsible to actively pursue a genuine, personal, loving relationship with their Heavenly Abba.”
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Pesach 2016 "Passover" (Part B)
/*This commentary was updated on April 2016