Below is a list of the ministries belonging to Connections. We are currently looking for a Director of Connections . If this is a position your interested in or if you would like to serve in one of these ministries please contact the staff member over the department Shaina McLellan.
The Harvests hospitality starts at our doors. The greeters are stationed at each door to provide a friendly welcome and answer any questions a nervous new comer may have. How first time attenders experience our greeters is one of the central influences in their decision to return to our church. Greeting new guests is an important part of the hospitality of ministry of the church. The way we welcome people to fellowship with God and the community has the potential to change their life. The Harvest wishes to have a friendly environment that is welcoming to all who walk through our doors
Espresso Bar
Our espresso bar is more than just a coffee station! Besides the fact that we seasonally offer Italian sodas, hot chocolate, and bagels we've created an environment that fosters fellowship and relationship before our service. Whats a better way to start of your Saturday then with some fellowship, coffee and a bagel?
The Harvest hosts a potluck on the second week of every month. Having monthly potlucks presents the community with an opportunity to come together to share a meal and foster relationships, conversation, hospitality, and togetherness. Within the potluck ministry there are multiple facets to serve whether that be set up, break down, or meal prep.